Online quiz for the World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day at the Department of Pre-University education and training of Foreign Citizens

The World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is a memorable date dedicated to the first human spaceflight.

Exactly 60 years ago, on April 12, 1961, a citizen of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin made the first orbital flight around the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft for the first time in the world, opening the era of human space flights.

The flight, which lasted only 108 minutes, was a powerful breakthrough in space exploration. The name of Yuri Gagarin became widely known in the world, and the first cosmonaut himself received the rank of Major and Hero of the Soviet Union ahead of schedule.

As part of this holiday, two online quizzes about space were organized at the Department of Pre-University education and training of Foreign Citizens: one for interns and full-time students, the other for distance learning students. The quizzes consisted of 30 questions. They were distinguished by the complexity of the questions. The first quiz included questions of the basic level of proficiency in the Russian language, the second – the elementary level. As a result of the game, the winners were determined. In the first quiz:

1st place – Qin Chengcheng (Northwestern Normal University, China);

II place – Enkhtaivan Lhagvasuren (Mongolia);

III place – Bold Enkhmandah (Mongolia).

In the second quiz:

1st place – Dang Jiajia (Northwestern Pedagogical University, China);

II place – Zhang Shengnan (Northwestern Pedagogical University, China);

III place – Salomon Adentzki (Haiti).

The winners were awarded with diplomas, after that they shared their impressions:


Qin Chengcheng:

– I started an internship at KalmSU recently, in March, but already our guys are actively taking part in the activities of the Department. A girl from our group took 3rd place in the Miss Department-2021 competition. So, I decided to try my hand at a quiz about space. To be honest, not all of the questions were easy, in some I was mistaken. Of course, the difficulty is that all questions are in Russian and English. But I’m glad I took 1st place. Thanks to our teacher Ellara Ulyaevna, for letting us know about the quiz.

Bold Enkhmandah:

– This is not the first quiz dedicated to Yuri Gagarin. In March, I took part in another quiz for the Cosmonaut’s birthday. But I found the quiz of our Department more difficult and more interesting, because each of us fought for himself. It was not a team game. Last time I received a certificate of participation, and this time I took the honorable 3rd place.