The first steps into Russian science of FDPOIG trainees

During April, interns from China took part in student scientific and practical conferences in Russia.


On April 21, the IV All-Russian Youth Conference “Professional Teacher in the School of the Future” was held at the Department of Pedagogy. 126 people took part in the conference  in live and distance format. 76 articles were received for publication from various educational organizations in Russia and abroad, including the Qiongtai Pedagogical Institute (Hainan, China). Chen Zhuangkhong prepared a report on the state of development of pre-university training in China. Yang Yang spoke about the peculiarities of organizing educational work with foreign citizens in a pandemic.


On April 28, a scientific-practical conference of young researchers “Russia in the Asia-Pacific region” was held at the Oriental Institute – School of Regional and International Studies of the Far Eastern Federal University. It was attended by students, undergraduates and graduate students of VI – ShRMI and other schools of Far Eastern Federal University, as well as students from other universities with reports in the following areas: oriental studies, international relations, political science, linguistics and philology, foreign regional studies. A trainee Liu Siling, a 3rd year student from Northwestern Pedagogical University (Lanzhou, China), took part in the section “Language. Consciousness. Communication ”, where she prepared a presentation“ The Image of Russia through the Eyes of the Chinese ”(on the Microsoft Teams platform). The conference was held in the form of a competition. The members of the jury of this section were: T.A.Zhukova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of RFE FEFU, L.A. Zolotareva, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of RFI, FEFU, A.V. Ivanchenko, Art. Lecturer at the Department of Russian Studies of the Far Eastern Federal University. As a result of the conference, an electronic collection will be issued, in which the best articles of students will be published in full, the rest of the participants will be published  abstracts.


From March 1 to April 30, the International Competition of Research Works “Foreign Language Education and Intercultural Communication”. It was held with the aim of generating interest among students in research activities, stimulating creativity and initiative in independent scientific research to solve urgent problems of foreign language education, and raising the level of scientific culture of students. 64 research papers of students from Russia and abroad were submitted to the competition. A trainee Qin Chengcheng, a 3rd year student from  Northwestern Normal University (Lanzhou, China), sent an article on the topic “On the Difficulties of Learning Russian by Chinese Students” in the direction of the “Intercultural Communication” competition.


O.N.Boldyreva, scientific supervisor:

– Trainees from China, despite the fact that they study remotely, show great interest not only in cultural events held at the faculty, but also in science. They gladly agreed to take part in conferences and competition. It was especially difficult for Liu Siling because it was her first time speaking at the conference. But Sylin prepared very carefully, she conducted a sociological survey among her classmates, as well as her acquaintances, as a result of which the Chinese have formed an idea of ​​Russia. These studies were formalized into a scientific article. In addition, she prepared a detailed presentation of her report.