Address | 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Ulitsa Pushkina, 11, uchebnyi corpus1 FGBOU VO “KalmGU im. B.B.Gorodovikova”, aud. 317, 319 (FSBEI of HE “KalmSU n.a. B.B.Gorodovikov“, rooms 317, 319) |
Phone | +7 (8472)24-50-73 (dean’s office), 4-50-68 | |
Dean: Ubushaev Evgeniy Nikolaevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
The Faculty of Humanities is the largest educational unit of the university providing professional training for researchers of language, literature, history, document management and archival science. It is the oldest educational, scientific, and methodological unit of the Kalmyk State University, educating philologists and historians.
In 1929, at the Faculty of Education of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Kalmyk branch of liberal arts was founded, which soon served to launch higher education programmes in philology. In 1938 – 1939 the Philological Faculty was part of Kalmyk Teachers’ Training Institute and Pedagogical Institute in Astrakhan, which in 1941 were transferred to Elista. In 1944, they were merged with the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute named after S.M. Kirov. After the rehabilitation of the Kalmyk people and the restoration of the republic in 1957, the Faculty resumed its work as part of Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute and formed the basis for the opening of Kalmyk State Pedagogical Institute in 1964 in Elista.
After the reorganization of Kalmyk State Pedagogical Institute into Kalmyk State University in 1970, the Faculty of Philology became one of its structural units. In 2001, the Faculty of Philology was transformed into the Institute of Humanities, and in 2010 converted into The Faculty of Humanities.
Four departments provide the training, educational, research and practical work processes:
- Department of Russian History, Documentation and Archival Studies;
- Department of World History;
- Department of Russian Language and General Linguistics, Russian and Foreign Literature;
- Department of Germanic Philology.
The Faculty of Humanities employs the highly professional teaching staff of more than 50 experienced professors and instructors. Lecture courses are provided at the highest scientific and methodological level by well-known recognized Russian researchers, among them such famous professors as V.B.Ubushaev, A.N. Komandzhaev, M.M.Batmaev, P.M. Koltsov, O.D.Dzhagaeva, D.A. Suseyeva, T.S. Yesenova, S.M. Trofimova, V.V. Ubushaeva, Candidates of sciences, E.S. Kotyaeva, N.L. Ovshieva, T. M. Kekeeva, N.Yu. Mikitenko, R.M. Khoninova, N.A. Kichikova, S.M. Murgaev, E.S. Muzraeva and many others.
Lecturers and researchers of the Faculty of Humanities are engaged in developing solutions to actual issues in modern linguistics, literary criticism and history. They perform highly successful research in the fields of the history of Russia and Kalmykia, archeology, the functioning of the Russian language in Kalmykia, linguoculturology and conceptology, sociolinguistics and methods of foreign languages teaching.
The Faculty has established and is maintaining contacts with Fulbright scholarship holders (USA), Catalan UNESCO Center (Spain), the International Advisory Committee of Linguapaks Institute. The teaching staff of the Department of Germanic Philology initiated the creation of a branch of Linguapaks Institute (UNESCO CAT) “Linguapaks-Kalmykia”, whose goal is to preserve the world’s cultural and linguistic diversity through multilingual and multicultural education.
Students of Philology Department study ancient and modern languages of Russia and Western Europe, Russian and foreign literature from antiquity to the present day. Their curriculum includes such disciplines as Introduction to Linguistics, General Linguistics, Theoretical Phonetics, Lexicology, Theoretical Grammar, Stylistics, Languages History, Theory and Practice of Translation. In addition to general lecture courses, students have specialized and selective courses such as the Culture of Verbal Communication, the Basics of Intercultural Communication, Professionally Oriented Translation, Text Linguistics, a Business Course in English and German, etc.
The curriculum of History Department students include such disciplines as History of Russia and World History from Ancient times to the Present time, History of Kalmykia, Historiography and Source Studies, Paleography, History of World Civilizations and Religions.
In “Document Management and Archival Studies” programme, students master knowledge in Document Management, Archival Studies, Organization and Technology of Document Support, Organization of Work With Citizens’ Appeals, and Workflow.
“International Relations” curriculum offers the History of International Relations, World Politics and International Relations, the History and Theory of Diplomacy, International Law, the Fundamentals of International Security, and the various forms and areas of international cooperation. There is much focus on the study of foreign languages – English and Chinese.
Teachers and professors in the Faculty of Humanities have published a significant number of monographs, thematic research collections, articles, textbooks and teaching aids. Every year, the Faculty members get involved in various research projects. The faculty holds international, all-Russian and regional research conferences.
Faculty staff strive to involve students in research work, organizing student conferences, Olympiads and contests on various subjects, annual competitions in the students’ selected fields, develop their research skills and encourage them to participate in regional, all-Russian and international conferences, olympiads, and seminars.
Students of the Faculty participate in competitions for grants for studying abroad, in competitions for research internships.
Students and teachers actively and successfully participate in all cultural and sports events held at the University, in the city and the republic. The Faculty Student English Club arranges and performs many exciting events to promote and develop intercultural competence and tolerance. The School of Young Writers holds its regular meetings, and the students’ self-government is actively developing at the faculty.
Among the graduates of the faculty there are many leaders of the Republic, scientists, representatives of the creative intelligentsia, and employees of the education system. The graduates of the Faculty, who have received modern knowledge and a competitive profession, are in demand in the labor market and can develop their creative abilities.
Major areas of training:
- 41.03.05 International Relations (bachelor’s degree)
- 45.03.01 Philology, profile «Russian Philology (Russian Language and Literature)» (bachelor’s degree)
- 45.03.01 Philology, profile «Foreign Philology (English and German)» (bachelor’s degree)
- 45.04.01 Philology, profile «English Language» (master’s degree)
- 45.04.01 Philology, profile «Language in a Multi-Ethnic Space» (master’s degree)
- 45.04.01 Philology, profile «General Linguistics, Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics» (master’s degree)
- 45.04.01 Philology, profile «Russian as a Foreign Language» (master’s degree)
- 45.04.01 Philology, profile «Russian Language» (master’s degree)
- 45.06.01 Linguistics and Literary Studies, profile «Theory of Language» (postgraduate study)
- 46.03.01 History (bachelor’s degree)
- 46.03.02 Document Management and Archival Studies (bachelor’s degree)
- 46.04.01 History, profile «Archeology» (master’s degree)
- 46.04.01 History, profile «National History (History of Russia)» (master’s degree)
- 46.04.02 Document Management and Documentation Support Management (master’s degree)
- 46.06.01 Historical Sciences and Archeology, profile « Archeology » (postgraduate study)
- 46.06.01 Historical Sciences and Archeology, profile «Russian History» (postgraduate study)