The Faculty of Agriculture


Address 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista,  microrayon 5,
uchebnyi corpus 4 FGBOU VO “KalmGU im. B.B.Gorodovikova”,
(FSBEI of HE “KalmSU n.a. B.B.Gorodovikov)
Phone 8(84722)3-90-07; 8(84722)3-90-06

Dean: Natyrov Arkadiy Kanurovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Professor, Professor.

Dear colleagues, applicants and friends!

I am glad to invite you to the Faculty of Agriculture of Kalmyk State University!

Our faculty has a rich history, modern educational technologies and research facilities to open up huge creative opportunities for students.

The Faculty has three departments: the Department of Agronomy, the Department of Animal Science and Veterinary Science, and the Department of Agricultural Technologies and Processing of Agricultural Products. The teaching staff of the Faculty consists of 42 lecturers, 8 doctors of sciences, professors, 23 candidates of sciences, associate professors.

The Faculty of Agriculture of Kalmyk State University features 40 classrooms, lecture halls and laboratory facilities with all modern technical teaching aids, audio and video equipment.

The faculty’s infrastructure for training, production and research purposes comprises livestock camps, a mini-farm within the territory of the university campus, a greenhouse facility with a total area of 4134 m2 (0.6 hectares) for growing vegetable crops, a poultry house, agricultural experiment station, and an orchard.

The Network Cooperation Agreement, successfully running at present between Kalmyk State University, Don State Agrarian University, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Povolzhsky Research Institute for Meat and Dairy Production and Processing, North Caucasus Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, was signed in January 2015.

Agrarian students regularly join two traineeships programmes in Germany (LOGOe.Vи Doula-Nienburg), perform academic exchange programmes in the leading agrarian educational establishments of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. This provides the highest quality of training of the future agriculture professionals.

Kalmyk State University has been cooperating with the Association of state universities of Caspian region countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran) for more than 20 years now.

In 2013-2015, the University was among the 13 Russian universities to have won the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Human resources for the region”. This programme of strategic partnership aimed at cooperation between Kalmyk SU and the leading enterprises and organisations that provided training of specialists for innovative-oriented socio-economic development of the Kalmyk Republic.

That research was carried out in partnership with the biggest breeding facilities of Russia: JSC Breeding Factory “Ulan-Kheech”. JSC “Agro-firm Aduchi, Agricultural Productive Cooperative Breeding Factory “Pervomaiskyi”. The grant at the amount of 80 mln rubles helped reinforce the material and technical resource base of Kalmyk SU. The Shared-use Centre “BioVet” was established to house 13 veterinary, medical, and environmental labs equipped with top-of-the-line high-precision instruments. Biochemical analysis laboratory now holds an automated system for complete biochemical and hematological analysis, including assessment of hormonal status and tumor markers. The Laboratory of molecular genetics and PCR analysis is equipped with the system of fluorescent hybridization allowing to research DNA of any organismal structure. In 2013 the laboratories of molecular-genetic and immune-genetic expertise were certified by the state breeding register of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RF.

Veterinary clinic of the University is perfectly equipped and has a separate operation area. Its complete set for clinical examination includes an ultrasound scanner, express diagnostics urine analyzer, a cardiograph with automatic interpretation of test results, an X-ray with film digitizer transferring digital images to the computer. To provide a more detailed examination of certain components of the environment, such as produce or animal feed, the lab is equipped with thin-layer, liquid and gas chromatography with Fourier spectrometry for atomic spectrometric analysis and heavy metals examinations.

Modern high-precision equipment allows for scientific research on all possible issues in the fields of biology and agriculture. Ecological monitoring of the environment is performed on a regular basis, as well as the molecular diagnostics of both widespread and little-known pathogens. Information and analytical support are provided for breeding at agricultural enterprises. A new project has been launched to assess the quality and certification of food and animal feed.

In 2017, the Department of Agriculture is starting a new Master’s programme 19.04.03 “Food products of animal origin” within “Food Safety, Production and Marketing of Traditional Foods” studies.

For 45 years now, Kalmyk State University has been training agronomists, livestock specialists, and agricultural production technologists for the needs of the region.

The staff of the Faculty sincerely hopes that the proposed list of training areas and their characteristics will help applicants make the right choice of their profession.

We are always open to new ideas, cooperation and development.


                                                Welcome to the Faculty of Agriculture!

Arkadiy Natyrov, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,
Honorary Worker of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia

Main areas of training:

  1. 35.03.04 Agronomy, profile “Agribusiness” (bachelor’s degree)
  2. 35.03.07 Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products (bachelor’s degree)
  3. 35.04.04 Agronomy, profile “Plant Growing and Farming” (master’s degree)
  4. 36.03.02 Zootechnics (bachelor’s degree)
  5. 36.04.02 Zootechnics (master’s degree)
  6. 36.04.02 Zootechnics, profile “Technology Production of Livestock Products” (master’s degree).
  7. 36.05.01 Veterinary Medicine (specialist degree)
  8. 19.04.03 Food Products of Animal Origin, profile “Food Safety, Production and Marketing of Traditional Foods” (master’s degree).