Rector of KalmSU

Salaev Badma Katinovich was born on March 24, 1966 in the village of Khomutnikov of Iki-Burulsky District of the Republic of Kalmykia.

In 1990 he graduated from Kalmyk State University in the field of Zootechnics.

In 1991 – 1992 he headed the Department of Youth Affairs of Elista City Executive Committee.

In 1992 – 1993 he was the Head of the Department for Youth and Sports and the Chairman of the Committee for Youth Affairs of the Administration of Elista.

In 1993 – 1998 he worked as the Chief specialist of the Office of the Representative of the President of the Republic of Kalmykia in Elista.

In 1998 – 1999 he was the head of the Department for Youth, Tourism and Sports of the Mayor’s office of Elista.

In 1999 he was transferred to the Executive authorities of the republic: since March 1999, he was Deputy Minister of General and Vocational Education of the Republic of Kalmykia; since January 2003 he was Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kalmykia.

In 2004 he defended the dissertation on “The Formation of Value Orientations as a Means forOvercoming the Deviant Behavior inAdolescents” and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (“KandidatNauk”).

From January 2003 to December 2007 he was Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Since March 2008 he held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia – Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Republic of Kalmykia.

From January 2011 to the present, he has been working as Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kalmyk State University”.


Salaev Badma Katinovich is actively engaged in public activities:

Since 2003 he has been Honorary Academician of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy (Moscow);

Since 2006 he has been member of the Central Council of the All-Russian Public Organization “All-Russian Pedagogical Assembly”;

In 2011 he was elected Chairman of the Control and Audit Commission of the Kalmyk regional branch of the United Russia party.

Merit awards:

  • 1995 – Certificate of honor of the Republic of Kalmykia,
  • 2000 – Honoured Worker of Primary Professional Education of the Russian Federation,
  • 2005 – Honoured Teacher of the Republic of Kalmykia,
  • 2010– Honoured Worker of the National Economy of the Republic of Kalmykia,
  • 2010– Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation,
  • 2011– Badge “Serving the Law” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kalmykia.
  • In 2011 under the leadership of B.K. Salayev Kalmyk State University became the laureate of the competition “100 Best Russian Universities”; in 2012 the university was named the effective institution upon the results of the monitoring performed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; in 2012 Kalmyk State University became one of the winners of the federal competition of Student activity development program (95 universities out of 236 reached the final).
  • At the initiative of B.K. Salaev an intra-university grant was founded, the system of material incentives for innovation and initiatives was introduced, material and technical base was significantly updated. B.K. Salaev initiated the foundation of Physical-mathematical and Chemical-biological schools on the basis of Agrotehnopark of KalmSU, as well as many other innovations that create a business atmosphere of scientific creativity at the university.
  • In January 2014 B.K. Salaev won the republican contest “Person of the Year 2013” in Elista.
  • He is the Honorary Professor of Issyk-Kul State University.